
Serving is at the core of our identity.  It’s how we understand the actions of our faith as articulated by a favorite bumper sticker of the United Church of Christ: To believe is to care.  To care is to do. For our church, this isn’t just a motto of the United Church of Christ but something that articulates who we are on Meetinghouse Hill.  We seek to live out the call to love that Jesus offers to feed the hungry, satisfy the thirsty, clothe the naked and visit the sick and imprisoned (Matthew 25:40-43). We believe that this reminder to seek justice reaches beyond  financial support and reaches into advocacy.  We remind each other that everyone has something to give.  Everyone has a talent to share and a ministry to offer. This is why you’ll find a community of volunteers on Meetinghouse Hill eager to offer their time and talents in the Children’s Closet, the South Portland & Cape Elizabeth Food Pantry, the Preble Street Soup Kitchen and countless other opportunities supported by the Mission & Outreach Team.  It’s why our church enthusiastically supports the outreach of Community Crisis Ministries.  It’s why we believe that we can make the world a better place — by serving each other in God’s love.