Discovery Center Traditions

Lunch Bunch

Lunch Bunch is an optional program offered to our Frog families sometime in the Fall, which extends the Frog day by 1/2 hour (a 12:30 p.m. dismissal instead of the normal 12:00 p.m. dismissal).  Students bring a lunch from home and eat with their teachers and friends and parents get an extra half hour before pick up, which we hear is much needed at times!  Besides learning to navigate their lunch time, children develop social skills (we have the best conversations during lunch!) A $5 fee is added to tuition for each Lunch Bunch attended.

Annual Family Pot Luck

Shortly after our school year begins, the Discovery Center students along with their families and teachers gather for an annual pot luck dinner.  This evening provides families the opportunity to get to know one another and enjoy a simple meal together. It is truly an event we all look forward to each year!

Spirit Week

After holiday season is over the winter can often times seem long. We try to combat this by holding a “Spirit Week” where the children and teachers come to school dressed up for different themed days such as “PJ Day”,  “Crazy Combination Day” and “Favorite Book Character Day”.  Spirit Week is much loved by students and teachers alike!

Annual Discovery Center Art Show

The annual art show takes place during an evening in the Spring and features art work from each child in our school.  The students feel a sense of pride as family and friends are invited to come and see a few samples of art work they have created. Classical music plays in the hall and light refreshments are served, creating a wonderful preschool community evening!